The overall objective of the IntellWheels2.0 project is to investigate and develop the Smart Wheelchair concept with an emphasis on creating a framework / kit that allows applying this concept to different types of conventional electric wheelchairs. It also aims to completely separate the user interface from the system using an innovative multimodal interface, completely customizable and adaptable to different types of users and equipment.
Creation of a set of prototypes and functional and highly innovative products, which together will form a framework/kit, which will allow the application of the Smart Wheelchair concept in several models of conventional electric Wheelchairs.
The Intellwheels2.0 Project will allow the creation of a fully functional Smart Wheelchair prototype based on a generic framework/kit and a complete multimodal interface. The products and prototypes to be developed with emphasis on the framework/kit, the multimodal interface, the simulator, the serious games and the CRI prototype, have a high potential for national dissemination, in international markets and in other types of applications.The development of a set of prototypes and functional and highly innovative products, will increase autonomy and improve the quality of life of individuals with disabilities. With regard to the companies involved, it will allow to expand its current product offer and expand into new markets within its main areas of activity.